For Gyms
Same business, smarter gym
Member Management
Track and manage your gym members with ease. Monitor attendance, progress and engagement.
Performance Analytics
Get detailed insights into your gym's performance with comprehensive analytics and reporting.
Workouts & Routines
Create and manage your athletes workouts and routines.
For Athletes
Best workouts, better results
No more workout notes
No more workout notes on your phone. Just log your workouts and get started.
Achievement Tracking
Track your achievements and milestones. Celebrate your progress along the way.
Workout Tracking
Log and monitor your workouts. Track sets, reps, weights and personal records.
For Gyms
For Athletes
Simple, transparent pricing.
Unlock the full potential of
For Athletes
$25/ for ever
Best workouts, better results.
- No more workout notes on your phone
- Achievements tracking
- Progress tracking
- Community access
- 24/7 support
For Gyms & Coaches🔥 This is fire
$250/ for ever
Same business, smarter gym.
- Member management
- Performance analytics
- Workout & Routines
- Personal website page
- Priority email support
Custom for gyms and coaches
$500/ for ever
Customized for your business.
- All in gym plan
- Ask features you need